PLP Law Corporation Opens Los Angeles Office

PLP Law Corp opened its satellite office on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles last month to better serve its existing and prospective southern California clients. Managing partner, Mark Poniatowski stated that:

Our website analytics, prospective client inquiries, and existing clients with legal matters in southern California caused us to analyze whether an additional office in LA made sense. We have been looking at this for awhile and we ultimately decided that it did. The Hollywood Blvd. location is centrally located in a vibrant neighborhood and we are excited to be there.” 

In addition to southern California business and real estate clients, PLP’s Los Angeles presence expects to attract national creditor clients such as banks, commercial lenders, and commercial leasing companies seeking creditor representation in California state courts and federal bankruptcy courts in southern California. This expectation comes with managing partner Mark Poniatowski once again being named a creditors rights Superlawyer for the 5th year in a row.


The Los Angeles office address is:

7080 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA
(213) 433-1814

Or visit our website contact page here.